PROUD FLESH:  The Resurrection of Baby B


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    Cynthia Bowen's carefree and contented empty nester life in Texas with her husband takes a drastic detour when her doctor daughter calls to tell her about an abused baby abandoned at Shriners Burn Hospital.


    At first Cynthia listens to her daughter's words with a sympathetic but distant ear. Gradually, however, the plight of this baby begins to resonate with her in a deeper, more personal level.


    What if your good deed turned into a lifetime commitment? What if your heart collided with the commonsense warnings sending out signals to you like flashing red lights at a railroad crossing? What if at each turn along the twisting tracks you were given the chance to turn around, turn back, turn away? Instead you moved forward, unsteady, unsure, and afraid. Last but not least, what do we owe to people we don't know.


The story of a family that turned tragedy to triumph.


* Currently seeking agent/publisher*